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Ruleset changes from Community Patch
Touch attack

Season 2024-2025 Ruleset Changes

  • Character can multiclass 4 classes.
  • Ability Bonus cap increased to +18.
  • Any class can select any feat as long as requirements are met. This means that you can select Divine Shield and Divine Might with just three levels of paladin for example.
  • Weapon buffing spells do not stack, only 1 can be active on same weapon at the same time.
  • Casting a (defensive) spell doesn't cancel stealth mode. This supports sneak attacks with touch attack spells.
  • Familiars and animal companions requires meat (any type will suffice) to be fed and thus healed via conversation.
  • Immunity to mind-spells effects no longer grants immunity to paralysis and stun.
  • Immunity to slow is also immunity to movement speed decrease effect.
  • Bonus attacks from various sources like Haste, Flurry of Blows or Divine Power have always full AB bonus. All of them.


  • Added refillable potions. These potions must be equipped, they recharge their uses after rest.
  • Helmets provide armor AC bonus instead of deflection.
  • Bracers provide deflection AC bonus instead of armor.
  • Item AC bonuses are limited to +8 and are hard to come by.
  • Gloves are now equipped in main hand slot. Therefore unarmed monks do not lose item slot.
  • Ranged weapons no longer uses ammunition.
  • Bows and crossbows allows to equip new item type quiver into offhand. Quivers can have damage bonus and other defensive properties.

Item Properties

  • Damage Resistance from items stacks
  • Damage Resistance no longer exists for elemental damage, only physical. Feats granting elemental DR are now granting % immunity.
  • Damage bonus of same type on a weapon now stacks.
  • Regeneration from items is per 10 seconds now. Regeneration from other sources (feats, spells) is unchanged, thus still per 6 seconds.
  • Items with AC Dodge bonus (as we have more than boots) doesn't stack, highest applies. Dodge AC from other sources stacks normally.
  • Vampiric regeneration procs each hit, but will no longer work against variety of creatures without blood - skeletal undeads, constructs.
  • Mighty property stacks on different items.
  • Haste grants only +1 AC instead of +4 AC.
  • Damage immunities are capped at 75%, more will not have effect unless you also have Maximum Damage Immunity on any item.

Saving Throws

  • 1 is not an automatic failure on saving throws anymore.
  • Spellcraft bonus to saving throws works only against spells, not monster special abilities.
  • Divine Grace and Dark Blessing feats bonus is now capped by class level. Paladin and Blackguard levels stacks for this purpose.
  • Feats Dexterous Fortitude and Dexterous Will allows to use reflex save instead of fort or will.

Spell Points spellcasting System

  • All spellcasters are now spontaneous and select spells known during level up.
  • Spellcasters uses spell points to cast spells. The more spellpoints, the more spells they can cast.
  • There are three types of spell points. Intelligence based spellcasters are using Arcana, Charisma based spellcasters are using Power and Wisdom based spellcasters are using Mana. If you combine two spellcasting classes of same casting ability, you can share the spellpoints.
  • Casting a spell costs [spell level*2-1] spell points. Ie. 1st level spells costs 1 spellpoint, 2nd level spells costs 3 spellpoints etc.
  • Number of uses will automatically recalculate anytime you cast any spell, rest, regain spellpoint etc. Additionally, a spellpoint bar will be shown next to the hitpoints bar left from the character portrait, that will visually show your spellpoint reserve.
  • Items exists that grants bonus to specific spellpoints ie. Mana Bonus +20.
  • Base spellpoints differs class to class, having high ability modifier also increases spellpoints of specific type.

This means that not only are all casters are spontaneous casters, all classes can now substitute “higher spell slot” for “lower spell slot”. So if you have 100 mana, you can cast 100x 1st level spell if you want, or 14x 4th level spell.

More information here: Spell Points ::


  • Apart from the ones listed below, other armor variants were merged or are not available anymore.
Armor Type Base AC Max Dex AC ASF Change
Clothing 0 None 0%
Padded Armor Light 1 None 10% :!: was 8 max dex AC and 5% ASF
Leather Armor Light 2 10 20% :!: was 6 max dex AC and 10% ASF
Scale Mail Medium 4 7 30% :!: was 4 max dex AC and 20% ASF
does not gain benefit of evasion
Full Plate Heavy 8 4 45% :!: was 1 max dex AC
does not gain benefit of evasion


  • All shield variants gain the benefit of evasion.
Shield Base AC Max Dex AC ASF Change
Small Shield 1 None 5% Gnomes gain +1 AC
Large Shield 2 None 15% Elves gain +1 AC
Tower Shield 3 4 50% Dwarves gain +1 AC
:!: was unlimited max dex AC


  • Non-finessable weapons can have up to 4 slots.
  • Two-handed weapons can have up to 6 slots.
  • Monk gloves and ranged weapons can be buffed.
  • Ranged weapons require no ammunition.
  • Magical staves are one-handed, even for small characters.
  • Both pistols and rifles act as crossbows for the purpose of attacks, i.e. you need rapid reload and cannot use rapid shot.
  • Only a single weapon buff is allowed at the same time.
  • Multiple weapons are organized into specific weapon categories, see below. This is reflected in feats such as weapon focus, improved critical, etc.
    • It allows using up to three weapons effectively without suffering in terms of attack and damage rolls.
    • Also, it enables you to switch between two-handed bonus damage and single-handed shield AC depending on the situation and foci.

Weapon categories

Category Weapon Damage Critical rating Damage type Size Requirement Changes
Simple weapons Sling 1d4 x2 Bludgeoning Small Simple, Druid or Monk strength modifier with brutal throw
Unarmed Size x2 Bludgeoning None Monk equipped in weapon slot
Quarterstaff 1d6 x2 Bludgeoning Large Simple, Druid, Monk, Rogue or Wizard
Oriental weapons Kama 1d6 x2 Slashing Small Exotic or Monk
Kukri 1d4 19-20/x2 Slashing Tiny Exotic :!: was 18-20/x2
Katana 1d10 19-20/x2 Slashing Medium Exotic
Light blades Dagger 1d4 19-20/x2 Piercing Tiny Simple, Druid, Monk, Rogue or Wizard
Short Sword 1d6 19-20/x2 Piercing Small Martial or Rogue
Rapier 1d6 19-20/x2 Piercing Medium Martial, Rogue or Elf :!: was 18-20/x2
Heavy blades Scimitar 1d6 19-20/x2 Slashing Medium Martial or Druid :!: was 18-20/x2
Longsword 1d8 19-20/x2 Slashing Medium Martial or Elf
Greatsword 2d6 19-20/x2 Slashing Large Martial
Axes Handaxe 1d6 x3 Slashing Small Martial or Monk
Battleaxe 1d8 x3 Slashing Medium Martial
Greataxe 1d12 x3 Slashing Large Martial
Polearms Spear 1d6 x3 Piercing Medium Simple or Druid :!: was 1d8 and large;
is now one-handed
Halberd 1d10 x3 Piercing and Slashing Large Martial
Scythe 2d6 x3 Piercing and Slashing Large Exotic :!: was 2d4 and x4
Hammers Mace 1d6 x2 Bludgeoning Small Simple or Rogue
Warhammer 1d8 x3 Bludgeoning Medium Martial
Maul 1d10 x3 Bludgeoning Large Martial
Double weapons Two-Bladed Sword 1d8/1d8 19-20/x2 Slashing Large Exotic
Double Axe 1d8/1d8 x3 Slashing Large Exotic
Dire Mace 1d8/1d8 x2 Bludgeoning Large Exotic
Crossbows Light Crossbow 1d8 19-20/x2 Piercing Small Simple, Monk, Rogue or Wizard quiver in off-hand slot
Heavy Crossbow 1d10 19-20/x2 Piercing Medium Simple, Monk, Rogue or Wizard quiver in off-hand slot
Bows Shortbow 1d6 x3 Piercing Medium Martial, Rogue or Elf quiver in off-hand slot
Longbow 1d8 x3 Piercing Large Martial or Elf quiver in off-hand slot
Gnome weapons Pistol 1d8 x4 Piercing Small Firearms can be equipped in off-hand slot
Rifle 1d10 x4 Piercing Medium Firearms uses strength modifier

Unavailable or non-focusable weapons

Bastard Sword
Dwarven Waraxe

Heavy Flail
Light Flail
Light Hammer

Magic Staff

Throwing Axe

en/ruleset.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/17 01:42 by