Smelting forge now utilizes the size of the flames for the purpose of difficulty and number of ingots gained:
This allows to level up faster in smelting as you gain more XP when working on medium/small flames.
you require a pickaxe. Mining and forging ingots go hand in hand with the progression of crafting.
Materials are located in mines and dungeons. You should start with the mine closest to the starting town loften. South 1map then east until you find Old mine occupied by goblins.
Several boulders can be found. Difficulties can be displayed by the colour of the text highlighting the material noting from easy to harder to be successful.
Light blue
Dark blue
You can start on
greenstone - iron - copper and silver once level 4 and above.
When mining you will be prompted if the material you have found needs to be struck with a light or heavy strike.
Sparse finding require you to hit light.
Dense findings require you to hit heavy. Once completed a cycle you should have a nice piece of ore ready to be smelt in a forge.