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Shou Disciple

Shou disciples are martial artists who have studied or observed the monks of Kara-Tur and seek to emulate their style. Focusing more on the martial aspects of a monk's training, they sacrifice the enlightenment and supernatural abilities of the true ascetic. Shou disciples fight with martial weapons and often wear armor, instantly marking them as different from monks.

Hit Die: d10
Proficiencies: Martial and Monk, Light Armor
Skill Points: 2 + Int Modifier
Class Skills: craft armor, craft trap, craft weapon, discipline, hide, listen, move silently, parry, persuade, spot, tumble.
Primary Saving throw(s): fortitude, reflex.
Base Attack Bonus: +1/level.


Feats: Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Focus: Unarmed Strike
Skills: Tumble 4 ranks
Base Attack Bonus: +3
Base Reflex Save: +2


Level 1:

  • Shou Disciple Dodge Bonus +1 (replaces the normal +1 dodge feat bonus)
  • Unarmed Strike - The character deals 1d6 unarmed dmg. A Shou disciple with levels in the monk class can take the better of the two damage ranges, or the unarmed damage calculated by combining his Shou disciple and monk levels and using the unarmed damage of a monk of the resulting level if it produces a better result. Wearing light armor does not interfere with any of a Shou disciple's class abilities, but shields and medium or heavy armor do.

Level 2:

  • Unarmed Strike - The character deals 1d8 unarmed dmg.
  • Shou Disciple Dodge Bonus +2
  • Bonus Feat - Chosen from the following list if the prerequisites are met: Deflect Arrows, Expertise, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse and Weapon Specialization.

Level 3:

  • Unarmed Strike - The character deals 1d10 unarmed dmg.
  • Martial Flurry (light): The Character gains the ability to use any light melee weapon for his flurry of blows.

Note: Martial Flurry works with both armor and shield. Tested in the game with one handed weapon.

Level 4:

  • Shou Disciple Dodge Bonus +3
  • Bonus Feat - Chosen from the following list if the prerequisites are met: Deflect Arrows, Expertise, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse and Weapon Specialization.

Level 5:

  • Unarmed Strike - The character deals 2d6 unarmed dmg.
  • Martial Flurry (any): The Character gains the ability to use any melee weapon for his flurry of blows.

No Epic Levels

Class Skills:

Craft Armor
Craft Trap
Craft Weapon
Move Silently

en/class-changes/shou-disciple.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/17 01:42 by