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en:class-new:prestige-c:duelist [2021/10/19 09:42] – created razyelen:class-new:prestige-c:duelist [2024/04/01 10:02] (current) – removed razyel
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-====== Duelist ====== 
-The Duelist is a nimble, intelligent fighter trained in making precise attacks with light weapons, such as the rapier. Also known as the swashbuckler, the Duelist always takes full advantage of his quick reflexes and wits in a fight. Rather than wearing bulky armor, Duelists feel that the best way to protect themselves is to not get hit at all. 
-**Hit Die**: d10. 
-**Proficiencies**: A Duelist is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, but does not gain any armor or shield proficiencies. 
-**Skill Points**: 4 + Int Modifier. 
-===== REQUIREMENTS: ===== 
-**Base Attack Bonus**: +6 
-**Skills**: Tumble 5 ranks. Parry 3 ranks. 
-**Feats**: Dodge, Weapon Finesse, Mobility. 
-**Special**: a book of Duelist is required to unlock the class. 
-===== ABILITIES: ===== 
-1: Canny Defense - bonus to AC based on intelligence bonus, limited by class level. 
-2: Improved Reaction - +2 bonus to initiative 
-3: Spring Attack - No longer incurs Attacks of Opportunity for moving in combat. 
-4: Grace - +2 Bonus to reflex saves. 
-5: Precise Strike +1d6 - Bonus damage while wielding a light piercing weapon. 
-7: Elaborate Parry -  defensive combat mode, - 4 attack bonus, +2+class level to armor class(dodge AC bonus) 
-8: Improved Reaction +4 
-9: Deflect Arrows 
-10: Precise Strike +2d6 
-**Note**: Duelist loses Canny Defense, Precise Strike, and Grace while wearing any armor or shield. 
-===== Epic Duelist ===== 
-You have become the epitome of graceful, precise lethality. In your hands, a light piercing weapon transforms into a glittering blur of razor sharp steel able to turn any blow and strike past any defense. 
-**Hit Die**: d10 
-**Skill Points at Each Additional Level**: 4 + Int modifier 
-**Precise Strike**: Every five levels above 10th, the extra damage inflicted by the epic duelist’s precise strike increases by +1d6. 
-**Bonus Feats**: The epic duelist gains a bonus feat every three levels after 10th.  
-**Epic Duelist Bonus Feats List**: 
-Blinding Speed, Epic Prowess, Epic Reflexes, Epic Reputation, Epic Skill Focus, Epic Weapon Focus (rapier, shortsword, dagger), Great Dexterity, Improved Whirlwind Attack, Infinite Deflection, Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting, Superior Initiative. 
en/class-new/prestige-c/duelist.1634636571.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/10/19 09:42 by razyel