====Brew Potion, Scribe Scroll, Craft Wand==== + removed from the game. There is Alchemy Craft avaible ====Epic Spells==== + epic spell feats( Epic magic armor, Dragon knight, Mummy Dust, Greater ruin, Hellball) removed from the game + epic spells can be acquired from books, these books are however very rare so build accordingly. To learn the spells, you need feat [[en:spell-epic|Epic spellcasting]]. [[en:feat-changes:blindingspeed|Blinding Speed]] ====Divine Might==== ~ has different VFX when used by BG [[en:feat-changes:circlekick|Circle kick]] [[en:feat-changes:terrifyingrage|Terrifying rage]] [[en:feat-changes:hailofarrows|Hail of Arrows]] [[en:feat-changes:Epic toughness|Epic Toughness I-X]] ====Lasting Inspiration==== - Duration of song +20 rounds ( maximum 10base + 20lasting +5 lingering + items ) ====Weapon Focus==== New weapon focus - Rifle, Pistol, Maul, Spells (Touch attack melee, Ranged) ====Epic weapon focus==== Prerequisite: Greater weapon focus ( 8lvl fighter only)